Wednesday 19 September 2012

what to wear to a gig/concert.

For me, gigs have been the most enjoyable and most memorable nights of my life. If I'm not at a gig, you'll probably find me watching a gig live on the internet. The atmosphere at gigs are insanely addictive. Not only are you surrounded by people who adore the same singer/band as you, but you're literally seeing the singer/band in the flesh and not just in pictures. Pretty awesome if you ask me.

I've been to quite a few gigs but all of them have been seated, so its definitely not the same as being at a standing gig.

This October, I'll be going to a gig to see Ed Sheeran live. I am so excited since I love him with all my heart ;)

As it may seem, within the first ten minutes of a gig, you'll be drowning in sweat (this sounds absolutely vile, sorry!). So to stop your clothes being drenched in sweat, avoid tight fitting clothes and long sleeves.

So here are my list of must-haves:
~ pair of boots or trainers (remember your feet will be stepped on a lot and you'll be standing up for long so make sure they're comfy)
~ tank/cami/short sleeved top
~ pair of shorts or leggings (jeans are okay but some jeans aren't as easy to move around in)
~ small cross-body bag (don't get a huge rucksack as you'll find yourself being dragged down or even in the worst case, your valuables being stolen. a small bag that you can sling our your shoulder is great to fit in your necessities)
~ a camera or a phone with a camera (no doubt that you'll want to take pictures to cherish the night for years to come. definitely don't bring a professional camera because 1. they are forbidden in most gigs and you'll be asked to leave and 2. it's very likely to get stolen or damaged. just bring a phone with a decent camera and you should be good to go)
~ a cardigan or jumper (you won't need this when you're in the gig but when you leave, it will probably be cold. so instead of freezing to death, bring a cardigan to put on and when the gig starts, chuck it into your bag or tie it around your waist)

I hope you found this useful. Have you been to any gigs and if so, what did you wear?

Kayla x

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