Sunday 28 October 2012

the 10 commandments for being healthy.

I definitely am not the healthiest person in the world and I can't give you an overnight miracle to get you to be healthy but all these tips will help you in the long run, I promise!

I'd like to clear something up first though: I am not super skinny and I have never dieted (I love food too much haha). I don't really believe in diets either because when you stop eating, or eat very little, your body thinks that you won't be getting food for a while so it stores up all the fat. Storing up the fat means that you will basically gain weight, defeating the purpose entirely. 

Secondly, I have little desire to be skinny. I would personally rather be my size, which isn't fat nor skinny, and still eat the food I like. I won't be a hypocrite and say eat 5 fruits and veg a day because I definitely don't do that but being a vegetarian, means that I do eat a lot of vegetables.

1. Exercise - when you do hardcore exercise like marathons, etc, you may be thinking that you've burned loads of calories. Wrong. You've actually just used up a lot of the water stored in your body. To burn and get rid of fat in your body, you have to exercise daily. Not exercise like running down the road once, I mean tough exercise like marathons. As it may seem, marathons don't appeal to most people so find what suits you. I particularly like to do yoga and I play tennis every Saturday. 

2. Be with friends - get your friends to try being healthy too, it will be much easier as you've got people to support you. 

3. Be happy - it's easier said than done. Being happy means that you won't start eating out of boredom or sadness - trust me, I've been there. Being happy also links to exercise as it releases endorphins, keeping you happier.

4. Sleep - make sure you get at least 8-10 hours of sleep, if not more. You need your sleep so your body can be restored for the next day. Also, when you're tired, you mainly start to drink caffeine to keep you awake. This is a complete no no. Caffeine is not good for you, especially if you have it everyday.

5. Be a water baby - it's not scientifically proven that you need 6-8 glasses of water a day but make sure you always drink enough water.

6. Queen of the crop - eat veggies and fruits, daily. If you hate most fruits and vegetables, like me, find a fruit that you like and eat it everyday. I chose bananas and I eat it pretty much daily.

7. Salads - an easy way to get your 5 a day is to eat salads. If you're like me and really fussy, try and only put stuff in it that you like. I always put lettuce and tomatoes in mine. I recommend that you don't eat salads everyday as if you use dressings like olive oil or salad dressings, this would be really unhealthy and could lead to high cholesterol.

8. Quit it - smoking and drinking alcohol too often will deteriorate your health and body. Try and quit, it's better late than never. 

9. Easy on the supplements - try not to take a lot of vitamin supplements. As I don't eat my 5 a day, I take 2 daily vitamin supplements that are actually designed for kids. I would say that the daily limit for vitamins is 2 as if you take anymore, they will literally pass through your body as your body can only take in a certain amount of each vitamin and mineral. So you will basically be left with very expensive urine.

10. Hygiene - personal hygiene is super important, especially if you have a low immune system and don't want a nasty flu or cold. I always carry around a bottle of hand sanitiser whenever I go out.

I hope you found this useful and you can always tweet me @kaylathreads if you have any questions!
Kayla x

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