Saturday, 9 February 2013

i support marriage you?

Since Valentines Day is fast approaching and marriage equality is now finally legal in the UK, I felt I need to write this post. Not to suddenly change someone's views but to just preach my own. I know this is not the kind of post you would expect on my beauty/fashion blog but hey, change is good.

It's ironic isn't it, how for years we've been campaigning for equality for women in the workplace and in daily life but we've never thought to campaign for marriage equality. "Gay" and "lesbian" are words thrown around easily. Ever since I was young, "you're gay" was a common insult and now we all see it as a habit. But, what's wrong with being gay? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 

I don't see how we should have ever even pass a law that allows same-sex marriage. Why did we even have to think about it? It's the 21st Century. Most of us expected hoverboards or telekinesis by now, but no, we've only just allowed same-sex marriage. Just like none of us have the right to chose when a person dies, none of us should be able to decide who gets married to who.

Same Love - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

People think it's a lifestyle choice. People think it's something you sign up for. People think it's something you can change in the blink of an eye. Yes, back in the day it was frowned upon but this is the modern day, why can't we accept everyone? There will always be racism, discrimination and hate but can we ever accept?

I understand this is controversial and many religious people believe it is wrong. But which God would hate one of their children? I'm sure any God or Supreme Being would accept each child no matter their sexual orientation.

Now it's legal in the UK, in 18% (9 in 50) of America's states and other countries, such as Iceland and Denmark. But how long will it be until the whole world can accept it?

We all label it as "gay marriage", but do you know what I call it? Marriage.

It's a basic human right. Don't hate, appreciate.
Kayla x

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