Hey, so I thought I would take a bit of a break from beauty/fashion related posts and just be a little laidback, so here is my bucket list! For those of you who don't know what a bucket list is, it is basically a list of things you want to do before you die. This won't be my complete bucket list as it would be super long but maybe in a few months later I'll add and update to it.
1. Visit Australia and Greece - I've actually wanted to go to Australia ever since I was young. I was supposed to move there when I was around 10 years old as my dad got offered a job there but me and my brother were so scared to leave our life behind so we begged our dad not to. That is probably one of the few things I actually secretly regret because I always wonder what my life would be like. Plus, I just want to go to Greece because it has so much history and it's such a beautiful place.
2. Go on a gondola (canal boat) in Venice - I know a tad of Italian (learnt it at school for 2 years before I dropped it for GCSE) and I've always thought Italy is an amazing place. Everytime I see people going on gondolas on canals in Italy, I always think it's so romantic, not to mention serene.
3. Write a book - maybe this is will be one of the few things I won't achieve but I'm determined. Maybe if I wrote a book, it wouldn't get published but I wouldn't mind just writing a book for just me to read.
4. See the Northern Lights - for years I've been obsessed with the Northern Lights (ever since I read the book when I was 8-ish) and I always have wanted to see it with my very own eyes, not just in pictures.
5. Visit all 7 continents - you can probably tell already that a lot of my things on this list is to do with travelling. I would love to visit at least one place in each continent but to visit Antarctica the Arctic would be pretty difficult but it would be incredible to tell people that I've been there.
6. Visit Igloo Village - Igloo Village is literally rows of heated igloos in Finland.
7. Watch the sunset at Stonehenge - this isn't that hard for me since I live in England anyways but to be honest, I've visited more attractions abroad than in my own country. To see the rays of sunlight peak through the holes between the stones would be an awe-inspiring experience.
I know that only a few of these will become reality and some will stay a mere dream. I hope you liked this and I will definitely add to this in time. What's on your bucket list?
Kayla x